Case study |

Connecting Francophonie with a diverse network of companies, facilitating meetings for fruitful collaborations and business opportunities.





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Francophonie is an international organization where all the french-speaking countries gather together and their aims are to  promoting French and implementing political, educational, economic and cultural cooperation within the 88 states and governments of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF)

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Involved in 80 foreign companies and 288 meetings with Cambodian companies for over 2 days.

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Portrait image of Chékou Oussouman

Chékou Oussouman

APAC Regional Representative
OIF - (International Organisation of the Francophonie)


A highly valued player in business development in Cambodia, Confluences professionally meets the requirements of partners to access the Cambodian market for trade and investment. The International Organisation of the Francophonie, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, has benefited from Confluences' expertise and services. Confluences has a very deep knowledge of the Cambodian market and its private sector actors and Cambodian government institutions.

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